Notices/Event Listeners
Usd's event system is exposed via the Notice class. It can be used to subscribe to different stage events or custom events to get notified about changes.
A common case for using it with Python is sending update notifications to UIs.
TL;DR - Notice/Event Listeners In-A-Nutshell
- The event system is uni-directional: The listeners subscribe to senders, but can't send information back to the senders. The senders are also not aware of the listeners, senders just send the event and the event system distributes it to the senders.
- The listeners are called synchronously in a random order (per thread where the listener was created), so make sure your listeners action is fast or forwards its execution into a separate thread.
What should I use it for?
In production, the mose common use case you'll use the notification system for is changes in the stage. You can use these notifications to track user interaction and to trigger UI refreshes.
Notice code examples
Register/Revoke notice
from pxr import Tf, Usd
def callback(notice, sender):
print(notice, sender)
# Add
# Global
listener = Tf.Notice.RegisterGlobally(Usd.Notice.StageContentsChanged, callback)
# Per Stage
listener = Tf.Notice.Register(Usd.Notice.StageContentsChanged, callback, stage)
# Remove
Overview of built-in standard notices for stage change events
from pxr import Usd, Plug
# Generic (Do not send what stage they are from)
notice = Usd.Notice.StageContentsChanged
notice = Usd.Notice.StageEditTargetChanged
# Layer Muting
notice = Usd.Notice.LayerMutingChanged
# In the callback you can get the changed layers by calling:
# notice.GetMutedLayers()
# notice.GetUnmutedLayers()
# Object Changed
notice = Usd.Notice.ObjectsChanged
# In the callback you can get the following info by calling:
# notice.GetResyncedPaths() # Changed Paths (Composition or Creation/Rename/Removal)
# notice.GetChangedInfoOnlyPaths() # Attribute/Metadata value changes
# With these methods you can test if a Usd object
# (UsdObject==BaseClass for Prims/Properties/Metadata) has been affected.
# notice.AffectedObject(UsdObject) (Generic)
# notice.ResyncedObject(UsdObject) (Composition Change)
# notice.ChangedInfoOnly(UsdObject) (Value Change)
# notice.HasChangedFields(UsdObject/SdfPath)
# notice.GetChangedFields(UsdObject/SdfPath)
# Plugin registered
notice = Plug.Notice.DidRegisterPlugins
# notice.GetNewPlugins() # Get new plugins
If we run this on a simple example stage, we get the following results:
from pxr import Tf, Usd, Sdf
def ObjectsChanged_callback(notice, sender):
stage = notice.GetStage()
print(">", notice, sender)
print(">> (notice.GetResyncedPaths) - Updated paths", notice.GetResyncedPaths())
print(">> (notice.GetChangedInfoOnlyPaths) - Attribute/Metadata value changes", notice.GetChangedInfoOnlyPaths())
prim = stage.GetPrimAtPath("/bicycle")
if prim:
# Check if a specific UsdObject was affected
print(">> (notice.AffectedObject) - Something changed for", prim.GetPath(), notice.AffectedObject(prim))
print(">> (notice.ResyncedObject) - Updated path for", prim.GetPath(), notice.ResyncedObject(prim))
print(">> (notice.ChangedInfoOnly) - Attribute/Metadata ChangedInfoOnly", prim.GetPath(), notice.ChangedInfoOnly(prim))
print(">> (notice.HasChangedFields) - Attribute/Metadata HasChanges", prim.GetPath(), notice.HasChangedFields(prim))
print(">> (notice.GetChangedFields) - Attribute/Metadata ChangedFields", prim.GetPath(), notice.GetChangedFields(prim))
attr = stage.GetAttributeAtPath("/bicycle.tire:size")
if attr:
# Check if a specific UsdObject was affected
print(">> (notice.AffectedObject) - Something changed for", attr.GetPath(), notice.AffectedObject(attr))
print(">> (notice.ResyncedObject) - Updated path for", attr.GetPath(), notice.ResyncedObject(attr))
print(">> (notice.ChangedInfoOnly) - Attribute/Metadata ChangedInfoOnly", attr.GetPath(), notice.ChangedInfoOnly(attr))
print(">> (notice.HasChangedFields) - Attribute/Metadata HasChanges", attr.GetPath(), notice.HasChangedFields(attr))
print(">> (notice.GetChangedFields) - Attribute/Metadata ChangedFields", attr.GetPath(), notice.GetChangedFields(attr))
# Add
listener = Tf.Notice.RegisterGlobally(Usd.Notice.ObjectsChanged, ObjectsChanged_callback)
# Edit
stage = Usd.Stage.CreateInMemory()
# Create Prim
prim = stage.DefinePrim("/bicycle")
# Results:
# >> <pxr.Usd.ObjectsChanged object at 0x7f071d58e820> Usd.Stage.Open(rootLayer=Sdf.Find('anon:0x7f06927ccc00:tmp.usda'), sessionLayer=Sdf.Find('anon:0x7f06927cdb00:tmp-session.usda'))
# >> (notice.GetResyncedPaths) - Updated paths [Sdf.Path('/bicycle')]
# >> (notice.GetChangedInfoOnlyPaths) - Attribute/Metadata value changes []
# >> (notice.AffectedObject) - Something changed for /bicycle True
# >> (notice.ResyncedObject) - Updated path for /bicycle True
# >> (notice.ChangedInfoOnly) - Attribute/Metadata ChangedFieldsOnly /bicycle False
# >> (notice.HasChangedFields) - Attribute/Metadata HasChanges /bicycle True
# >> (notice.GetChangedFields) - Attribute/Metadata ChangedFields /bicycle ['specifier']
# Create Attribute
attr = prim.CreateAttribute("tire:size", Sdf.ValueTypeNames.Float)
# Results:
# >> <pxr.Usd.ObjectsChanged object at 0x7f071d58e820> Usd.Stage.Open(rootLayer=Sdf.Find('anon:0x7f06927ccc00:tmp.usda'), sessionLayer=Sdf.Find('anon:0x7f06927cdb00:tmp-session.usda'))
# >> (notice.GetResyncedPaths) - Updated paths [Sdf.Path('/bicycle.tire:size')]
# >> (notice.GetChangedInfoOnlyPaths) - Attribute/Metadata value changes []
# >> (notice.AffectedObject) - Something changed for /bicycle False
# >> (notice.ResyncedObject) - Updated path for /bicycle False
# >> (notice.ChangedInfoOnly) - Attribute/Metadata ChangedInfoOnly /bicycle False
# >> (notice.HasChangedFields) - Attribute/Metadata HasChanges /bicycle False
# >> (notice.GetChangedFields) - Attribute/Metadata ChangedFields /bicycle []
# >> (notice.AffectedObject) - Something changed for /bicycle.tire:size True
# >> (notice.ResyncedObject) - Updated path for /bicycle.tire:size True
# >> (notice.ChangedInfoOnly) - Attribute/Metadata ChangedInfoOnly /bicycle.tire:size False
# >> (notice.HasChangedFields) - Attribute/Metadata HasChanges /bicycle.tire:size True
# >> (notice.GetChangedFields) - Attribute/Metadata ChangedFields /bicycle.tire:size ['custom']
# Remove
Plugin Register Notice
The plugin system sends a notice whenever a new plugin was registered.
from pxr import Tf, Usd, Plug
def DidRegisterPlugins_callback(notice):
print(notice, notice.GetNewPlugins())
listener = Tf.Notice.RegisterGlobally(Plug.Notice.DidRegisterPlugins, DidRegisterPlugins_callback)
Setup a custom notice:
from pxr import Tf, Usd
# Create notice callback
def callback(notice, sender):
print(notice, sender)
# Create a new notice type
class CustomNotice(Tf.Notice):
'''My custom notice'''
# Get fully qualified domain name
CustomNotice_FQN = "{}.{}".format(CustomNotice.__module__, CustomNotice.__name__)
# Register notice
# Important: If you overwrite the CustomNotice Class in the same Python session
# (for example when running this snippet twice in a DCC Python session), you
# cannot send anymore notifications as the defined type will have lost the pointer
# to the class, but you can't re-define it because of how the type definition works.
if not Tf.Type.FindByName(CustomNotice_FQN):
# Register notice listeners
# Globally
listener = Tf.Notice.RegisterGlobally(CustomNotice, callback)
# For a specific stage
sender = Usd.Stage.CreateInMemory()
listener = Tf.Notice.Register(CustomNotice, callback, sender)
# Send notice
# Remove listener