As Usd is a hierarchy based format, one of its core functions is handling paths. In order to do this, Usd provides the pxr.Sdf.Path class. You'll be using quite a bunch, so that's why we want to familiarize ourselves with it first.
Table of Contents
TL;DR - Paths In-A-Nutshell
Here is the TL;DR version: Paths can encode the following path data:
: "/set/bicycle" - Separator/
: "/set/bicycle.size" - Separator.
: "/set.bikes[/path/to/target/prim]" - Separator.
/ Targets[]
(Prim to prim target paths e.g. collections of prim paths)
from pxr import Sdf
# Prims
prim_path = Sdf.Path("/set/bicycle")
prim_path_str = Sdf.Path("/set/bicycle").pathString # Returns the Python str "/set/bicycle"
# Properties (Attribute/Relationship)
property_path = Sdf.Path("/set/bicycle.size")
property_with_namespace_path = Sdf.Path("/set/bicycle.tire:size")
# Relationship targets
prim_rel_target_path = Sdf.Path("/set.bikes[/set/bicycles]") # Prim to prim linking (E.g. path collections)
# Variants
variant_path = prim_path.AppendVariantSelection("style", "blue") # Returns: Sdf.Path('/set/bicycle{style=blue}')
variant_path = Sdf.Path('/set/bicycle{style=blue}frame/screws')
What should I use it for?
Anything that is path related in your hierarchy, use Sdf.Path objects. It will make your life a lot easier than if you were to use strings.
Each element in the path between the "/" symbol is a prim similar to how on disk file paths mark a folder or a file.
Most Usd API calls that expect Sdf.Path objects implicitly take Python strings as well, we'd recommend using Sdf.Paths from the start though, as it is faster and more convenient.
We recommend going through these small examples (5-10 min), just to get used to the Path class.
Creating a path & string representation
from pxr import Sdf
path = Sdf.Path("/set/bicycle")
path_name = # Similar to os.path.basename(), returns the last element of the path
path_empty = path.isEmpty # Property to check if path is empty
# Path validation (E.g. for user created paths)
Sdf.Path.IsValidPathString("/some/_wrong!_/path") # Returns: (False, 'Error Message')
# Join paths (Similar to os.path.join())
path = Sdf.Path("/set/bicycle")
path.AppendPath(Sdf.Path("frame/screws")) # Returns: Sdf.Path("/set/bicycle/frame/screws")
# Manually join individual path elements
path = Sdf.Path(Sdf.Path.childDelimiter.join(["set", "bicycle"]))
# Get the parent path
parent_path = path.GetParentPath() # Returns Sdf.Path("/set")
parent_path.IsRootPrimPath() # Returns: True (Root prims are prims that only
# have a single '/')
ancestor_range = path.GetAncestorsRange() # Returns an iterator for the parent paths, the same as recursively calling GetParentPath()
# Add child path
child_path = path.AppendChild("wheel") # Returns: Sdf.Path("/set/bicycle/wheel")
# Check if path is a prim path (and not a attribute/relationship path)
path.IsPrimPath() # Returns: True
# Check if path starts with another path
# Important: It actually compares individual path elements (So it is not a str.startswith())
Sdf.Path("/set/cityA/bicycle").HasPrefix(Sdf.Path("/set")) # Returns: True
Sdf.Path("/set/cityA/bicycle").HasPrefix(Sdf.Path("/set/city")) # Returns: False
Sdf.Path("/set/bicycle").GetCommonPrefix(Sdf.Path("/set")) # Returns: Sdf.Path("/set")
# Relative/Absolute paths
path = Sdf.Path("/set/cityA/bicycle")
rel_path = path.MakeRelativePath("/set") # Returns: Sdf.Path('cityA/bicycle')
abs_path = rel_path.MakeAbsolutePath("/set") # Returns: Sdf.Path('/set/cityA/bicycle')
abs_path.IsAbsolutePath() # Returns: True -> Checks path[0] == "/"
# Do not use this is performance critical loops
# See for more info:
# This gives you a standard python string
path_str = path.pathString
Special Paths: emptyPath & absoluteRootPath
from pxr import Sdf
# Shortcut for Sdf.Path("/")
root_path = Sdf.Path.absoluteRootPath
root_path == Sdf.Path("/") # Returns: True
# We'll cover in a later section how to rename/remove things in Usd,
# so don't worry about the details how this works yet. Just remember that
# an emptyPath exists and that its usage is to remove something.
src_path = Sdf.Path("/set/bicycle")
dst_path = Sdf.Path.emptyPath
edit = Sdf.BatchNamespaceEdit()
edit.Add(src_path, dst_path)
We can also encode variants into the path via the {variantSetName=variantName} syntax.
# Variants (see the next sections) are also encoded
# in the path via the "{variantSetName=variantName}" syntax.
from pxr import Sdf
path = Sdf.Path("/set/bicycle")
variant_path = path.AppendVariantSelection("style", "blue") # Returns: Sdf.Path('/set/bicycle{style=blue}')
variant_path = Sdf.Path('/set/bicycle{style=blue}frame/screws')
# Property path to prim path with variants
property_path = Sdf.Path('/set/bicycle{style=blue}frame/screws.size')
variant_path = property_path.GetPrimOrPrimVariantSelectionPath() # Returns: Sdf.Path('/set/bicycle{style=blue}frame/screws')
# Typical iteration example:
variant_path = Sdf.Path('/set/bicycle{style=blue}frame/screws')
if variant_path.ContainsPrimVariantSelection(): # Returns: True # For any variant selection in the whole path
for parent_path in variant_path.GetAncestorsRange():
if parent_path.IsPrimVariantSelectionPath():
print(parent_path.GetVariantSelection()) # Returns: ('style', 'blue')
# When authoring relationships, we usually want to remove all variant encodings in the path:
variant_path = Sdf.Path('/set/bicycle{style=blue}frame/screws')
prim_rel_target_path = variant_path.StripAllVariantSelections() # Returns: Sdf.Path('/set/bicycle/frame/screws')
Paths can also encode properties (more about what these are in the next section).
Notice that attributes and relationships are both encoded with the "." prefix, hence the name property
is used to describe them both.
When using Usd, we'll rarely run into the relationship []
encoded targets paths. Instead we use the Usd.Relationship
methods to set the path connections. Therefore it is just good to know they exist.
# Properties (see the next section) are also encoded
# in the path via the "." (Sdf.Path.propertyDelimiter) token
from pxr import Sdf
path = Sdf.Path("/set/bicycle.size")
property_name = # Be aware, this will return 'size' (last element)
# Append property to prim path
Sdf.Path("/set/bicycle").AppendProperty("size") # Returns: Sdf.Path("/set/bicycle.size")
# Properties can also be namespaced with ":" (Sdf.Path.namespaceDelimiter)
path = Sdf.Path("/set/bicycle.tire:size")
property_name = # Returns: 'tire:size'
property_name = path.ReplaceName("color") # Returns: Sdf.Path("/set/bicycle.color")
# Check if path is a property path (and not a prim path)
path.IsPropertyPath() # Returns: True
# Check if path is a property path (and not a prim path)
Sdf.Path("/set/bicycle.tire:size").IsPrimPropertyPath() # Returns: True
Sdf.Path("/set/bicycle").IsPrimPropertyPath() # Returns: False
# Convenience methods
path = Sdf.Path("/set/bicycle").AppendProperty(Sdf.Path.JoinIdentifier(["tire", "size"]))
namespaced_elements = Sdf.Path.TokenizeIdentifier("tire:size") # Returns: ["tire", "size"]
last_element = Sdf.Path.StripNamespace("/set/bicycle.tire:size") # Returns: 'size'
# With GetPrimPath we can strip away all property encodings
path = Sdf.Path("/set/bicycle.tire:size")
prim_path = path.GetPrimPath() # Returns: Sdf.Path('/set/bicycle')
# We can't actually differentiate between a attribute and relationship based on the property path.
# Hence the "Property" terminology.
# In practice we rarely use/see this as this is a pretty low level API use case.
# The only 'common' case, where you will see this is when calling the Sdf.Layer.Traverse function.
# To encode prim relation targets, we can use:
prim_rel_target_path = Sdf.Path("/set.bikes[/set/bicycle]")
prim_rel_target_path.IsTargetPath() # Returns: True
prim_rel_target_path = Sdf.Path("/set.bikes").AppendTarget("/set/bicycle")
# We can also encode check if a path is a relational attribute.
# ToDo: I've not seen this encoding being used anywhere so far.
# "Normal" attr_spec.connectionsPathList connections as used in shaders
# are encoded via Sdf.Path("/set.bikes[/set/bicycle.someOtherAttr]")
attribute_rel_target_path = Sdf.Path("/set.bikes[/set/bicycles].size")
attribute_rel_target_path.IsRelationalAttributePath() # Returns: True