Siggraph Presentation

This guide will be officially introduced at Siggraph 2023 - Houdini Hive on Wednesday, 9. of August 2023 at 11:00 AM PST.

Frustum Culling

USD also ships with 3d related classes in the Gf module. These allow us to also do bounding box intersection queries.

We also have a frustum class available to us, which makes implementing frustum culling quite easy! The below code is a great exercise that combines using numpy, the core USD math modules, cameras and time samples. We recommend studying it as it is a great learning resource.

The code also works on "normal" non point instancer boundable prims.

You can find all the .hip files of our shown examples in our USD Survival Guide - GitHub Repo.

If you look closely you'll notice that the python LOP node does not cause any time dependencies. This is where the power of USD really shines, as we can sample the full animation range at once. It also allows us to average the culling data.

For around 10 000 instances and 100 frames, this takes around 2 seconds.

Here is the code shown in the video.

import numpy as np
from pxr import Gf, Sdf, Usd, UsdGeom

stage_file_path = "/path/to/your/stage"
stage = Usd.Open(stage_file_path)
# Or
import hou
stage = hou.pwd().editableStage()

camera_prim_path = Sdf.Path("/cameras/camera")
camera_prim = stage.GetPrimAtPath(camera_prim_path)
prim_paths = [Sdf.Path("/set/toys/instancer")]
time_samples = list(range(1001, 1101))

# Mode
mode = "average" # "frame" or "average"
data = {}

for time_sample in time_samples:
    time_code = Usd.TimeCode(time_sample)
    # Get frustum
    camera_type_API = UsdGeom.Camera(camera_prim)
    camera_API = camera_type_API.GetCamera(time_code)
    frustum = camera_API.frustum
    # Manually override clipping planes
    # frustum.SetNearFar(Gf.Range1d(0.01, 100000))
    # Get bbox cache
    bbox_cache = UsdGeom.BBoxCache(
        ["default", "render", "proxy", "guide"],
    for prim_path in prim_paths:
        prim = stage.GetPrimAtPath(prim_path)
        # Skip inactive prims
        if not prim.IsActive():
        # Skip non boundable prims
        if not prim.IsA(UsdGeom.Boundable):
        # Visibility
        imageable_type_API = UsdGeom.Imageable(prim)
        visibility_attr = imageable_type_API.GetVisibilityAttr()
        # Poininstancer Prims
        if prim.IsA(UsdGeom.PointInstancer):
            pointinstancer_type_API = UsdGeom.PointInstancer(prim)
            protoIndices_attr = pointinstancer_type_API.GetProtoIndicesAttr()
            if not protoIndices_attr.HasValue():
            protoIndices_attr_len = len(protoIndices_attr.Get(time_sample))
            bboxes = bbox_cache.ComputePointInstanceWorldBounds(
                pointinstancer_type_API, list(range(protoIndices_attr_len))
            # Calculate intersections
            invisibleIds_attr_value = np.arange(protoIndices_attr_len)
            for idx, bbox in enumerate(bboxes):
                if frustum.Intersects(bbox):
                    invisibleIds_attr_value[idx] = -1
            # The invisibleIds can be written as a sparse attribute. The array length can differ
            # from the protoIndices count. If an ids attribute exists, then it will use those 
            # indices, other wise it will use the protoIndices element index. Here we don't work
            # with the ids attribute to keep the code example simple.
            invisibleIds_attr_value = invisibleIds_attr_value[invisibleIds_attr_value != -1]
            if len(invisibleIds_attr_value) == protoIndices_attr_len:
                visibility_attr_value = UsdGeom.Tokens.invisible
                invisibleIds_attr_value = []
                visibility_attr_value = UsdGeom.Tokens.inherited
                invisibleIds_attr_value = invisibleIds_attr_value
            # Apply averaged frame range value
            if mode != "frame":        
                data.setdefault(prim_path, {"visibility": [], "invisibleIds": [], "invisibleIdsCount": []})
                data[prim_path]["visibility"].append(visibility_attr_value == UsdGeom.Tokens.inherited)
            # Apply value per frame
            visibility_attr.Set(UsdGeom.Tokens.inherited, time_code)
            invisibleIds_attr = pointinstancer_type_API.GetInvisibleIdsAttr()
            invisibleIds_attr.Set(invisibleIds_attr_value, time_code)
            # Boundable Prims
            bbox = bbox_cache.ComputeWorldBound(prim)
            intersects = frustum.Intersects(bbox)
            # Apply averaged frame range value
            if mode != "frame":        
                data.setdefault(prim_path, {"visibility": [], "invisibleIds": []})
                data[prim_path]["visibility"].append(visibility_attr_value == UsdGeom.Tokens.inherited)
            # Apply value per frame
                                if intersects else UsdGeom.Tokens.invisible, time_code)
# Apply averaged result
# This won't work with changing point counts! If we want to implement this, we
# have to map the indices to the 'ids' attribute value per frame.
if mode == "average" and data:
    for prim_path, visibility_data in data.items():
        prim = stage.GetPrimAtPath(prim_path)
        imageable_type_API = UsdGeom.Imageable(prim)#
        visibility_attr = imageable_type_API.GetVisibilityAttr()
        # Pointinstancer Prims
        if visibility_data.get("invisibleIds"):
            pointinstancer_type_API = UsdGeom.PointInstancer(prim)
            invisibleIds_average = set(np.arange(max(visibility_data['invisibleIdsCount'])))
            for invisibleIds in visibility_data.get("invisibleIds"):
                invisibleIds_average = invisibleIds_average.intersection(invisibleIds)
            invisibleIds_attr = pointinstancer_type_API.GetInvisibleIdsAttr()
            invisibleIds_attr.Set(np.array(sorted(invisibleIds_average)), time_code)
        # Boundable Prims
        prim = stage.GetPrimAtPath(prim_path)
        imageable_type_API = UsdGeom.Imageable(prim)
        visibility_attr = imageable_type_API.GetVisibilityAttr()
        visibility_attr.Set(UsdGeom.Tokens.inherited if any(visibility_data["visibility"]) else UsdGeom.Tokens.invisible)