Siggraph Presentation

This guide will be officially introduced at Siggraph 2023 - Houdini Hive on Wednesday, 9. of August 2023 at 11:00 AM PST.

Composition Query

Next let's look at prim composition queries. Instead of having to filter the prim index ourselves, we can use the Usd.PrimCompositionQuery to do it for us. For more info check out our Inspecting Composition section.

The query works by specifying a filter and then calling GetCompositionArcs.

USD provides these convenience filters, it returns a new Usd.PrimCompositionQuery instance with the filter applied:

  • Usd.PrimCompositionQuery.GetDirectInherits(prim): Returns all non ancestral inherit arcs
  • Usd.PrimCompositionQuery.GetDirectReferences(prim): Returns all non ancestral reference arcs
  • Usd.PrimCompositionQuery.GetDirectRootLayerArcs(prim): Returns arcs that were defined in the active layer stack.

These are the sub-filters that can be set. We can only set a single token value per filter:

  • ArcTypeFilter: Filter based on different arc(s).
  • DependencyTypeFilter: Filter based on if the arc was introduced on a parent prim or on the prim itself.
  • ArcIntroducedFilter: Filter based on where the arc was introduced.
  • HasSpecsFilter: Filter based if the arc has any specs (For example an inherit might not find any in the active layer stack)
from pxr import Sdf, Usd
stage = Usd.Stage.CreateInMemory()
prim = stage.DefinePrim("/pig")
refs_API = prim.GetReferences()
def _repr(arc):
          "| Introducing Prim Path", arc.GetIntroducingPrimPath() or "-",
          "| Introducing Layer", arc.GetIntroducingLayer() or "-",
          "| Is ancestral", arc.IsAncestral(),
          "| In Root Layer Stack", arc.IsIntroducedInRootLayerStack())
print(">-> Direct Root Layer Arcs")
query = Usd.PrimCompositionQuery.GetDirectRootLayerArcs(prim)
for arc in query.GetCompositionArcs():
print(">-> Direct Inherits")
query = Usd.PrimCompositionQuery.GetDirectInherits(prim)
for arc in query.GetCompositionArcs():
print(">-> Direct References")
query = Usd.PrimCompositionQuery.GetDirectReferences(prim)
for arc in query.GetCompositionArcs():
>-> Direct Root Layer Arcs
Pcp.ArcTypeRoot | Introducing Prim Path - | Introducing Layer - | Is ancestral False | In Root Layer Stack True
Pcp.ArcTypeReference | Introducing Prim Path /pig | Introducing Layer Sdf.Find('anon:0x7f9b60d56b00:tmp.usda') | Is ancestral False | In Root Layer Stack True
>-> Direct Inherits
Pcp.ArcTypeInherit | Introducing Prim Path /pig | Introducing Layer Sdf.Find('/opt/hfs19.5/houdini/usd/assets/pig/pig.usd') | Is ancestral False | In Root Layer Stack False
Pcp.ArcTypeInherit | Introducing Prim Path /pig | Introducing Layer Sdf.Find('/opt/hfs19.5/houdini/usd/assets/pig/pig.usd') | Is ancestral False | In Root Layer Stack False
>-> Direct References
Pcp.ArcTypeReference | Introducing Prim Path /pig | Introducing Layer Sdf.Find('anon:0x7f9b60d56b00:tmp.usda') | Is ancestral False | In Root Layer Stack True
Pcp.ArcTypeReference | Introducing Prim Path /pig | Introducing Layer Sdf.Find('/opt/hfs19.5/houdini/usd/assets/pig/payload.usdc') | Is ancestral False | In Root Layer Stack False
Pcp.ArcTypeReference | Introducing Prim Path /pig{geo=medium} | Introducing Layer Sdf.Find('/opt/hfs19.5/houdini/usd/assets/pig/mtl.usdc') | Is ancestral False | In Root Layer Stack False
Pcp.ArcTypeReference | Introducing Prim Path /ASSET_geo_variant_1/ASSET | Introducing Layer Sdf.Find('/opt/hfs19.5/houdini/usd/assets/pig/mtl.usdc') | Is ancestral False | In Root Layer Stack False
Pcp.ArcTypeReference | Introducing Prim Path /pig | Introducing Layer Sdf.Find('/opt/hfs19.5/houdini/usd/assets/pig/payload.usdc') | Is ancestral False | In Root Layer Stack False
Pcp.ArcTypeReference | Introducing Prim Path /pig | Introducing Layer Sdf.Find('/opt/hfs19.5/houdini/usd/assets/pig/geo.usdc') | Is ancestral False | In Root Layer Stack False
Pcp.ArcTypeReference | Introducing Prim Path /pig | Introducing Layer Sdf.Find('/opt/hfs19.5/houdini/usd/assets/pig/geo.usdc') | Is ancestral False | In Root Layer Stack False
Pcp.ArcTypeReference | Introducing Prim Path /pig | Introducing Layer Sdf.Find('/opt/hfs19.5/houdini/usd/assets/pig/geo.usdc') | Is ancestral False | In Root Layer Stack False
# Custom filter
# For example let's get all direct payloads, that were not introduced in the active root layer stack.
query_filter = Usd.PrimCompositionQuery.Filter()
query_filter.arcTypeFilter = Usd.PrimCompositionQuery.ArcTypeFilter.Payload
query_filter.dependencyTypeFilter = Usd.PrimCompositionQuery.DependencyTypeFilter.Direct
query_filter.arcIntroducedFilter = Usd.PrimCompositionQuery.ArcIntroducedFilter.All
query_filter.hasSpecsFilter = Usd.PrimCompositionQuery.HasSpecsFilter.HasSpecs
print(">-> Custom Query (Direct payloads not in root layer that have specs)")
query = Usd.PrimCompositionQuery(prim)
query.filter = query_filter
for arc in query.GetCompositionArcs():
>-> Custom Query (Direct payloads not in root layer that have specs)
Pcp.ArcTypePayload | Introducing Prim Path /pig | Introducing Layer Sdf.Find('/opt/hfs19.5/houdini/usd/assets/pig/pig.usd') | Is ancestral False | In Root Layer Stack False

The returned filtered Usd.CompositionArc objects, allow us to inspect various things about the arc. You can find more info in the API docs