Http Resolver (arHttp @charlesfleche)

This is a proof of concept http resolver. This is kindly provided and maintained by @charlesfleche in the arHttp: Offloads USD asset resolution to an HTTP server repository.

For documentation, feature suggestions and bug reports, please file a ticket there.

This repo handles the auto-compilation against DCCs and exposing to the automatic installation update manager UI.

Running the demo server

As the resolver reacts to http requests, we need to setup a local server to answer to our requests.


This can be easily done by running:

  • <install/dist root folder>/httpResolver/demo/ file to create the python virtual environment with the necessary packages
  • <install/dist root folder>/httpResolver/demo/ file to run the demo server

Make sure you are running the scripts with the current directory set to <install/dist root folder>/httpResolver/demo, otherwise it won't work!


Please make sure that you have python installed at the system level and available on your "PATH" environment variable. Our install scripts use it to create a virtual environment that runs the http demo server.