
You can import the Python module as follows:

from pxr import Ar
from usdAssetResolver import PythonResolver


Tokens can be found in PythonResolver.Tokens:


Resolver Context

You can manipulate the resolver context (the object that holds the configuration the resolver uses to resolve paths) via Python in the following ways:

from pxr import Ar, Usd
from usdAssetResolver import PythonResolver

# Get via stage
stage = Usd.Stage.Open("/some/stage.usd")
context_collection = stage.GetPathResolverContext()
pythonResolver_context = context_collection.Get()[0]
# Or context creation
pythonResolver_context = PythonResolver.ResolverContext()

# To print a full list of exposed methods:
for attr in dir(PythonResolver.ResolverContext):

Refreshing the Resolver Context


If you make changes to the context at runtime, you'll need to refresh it!

You can reload it as follows, that way the active stage gets the change notification.
from pxr import Ar
from usdAssetResolver import PythonResolver
resolver = Ar.GetResolver()
stage = pxr.Usd.Stage.Open("/some/stage.usd")
context_collection = stage.GetPathResolverContext()
pythonResolver_context = context_collection.Get()[0]
# Make edits as described below to the context.
pythonResolver_context.SetData("{'mappingPairs': {'source.usd': 'destination.usd'}, 'searchPaths': ['/path/A']}")
# Trigger Refresh (Some DCCs, like Houdini, additionally require node re-cooks.)

Editing the Resolver Context

Since the resolver is implemented in Python, the actual context data is a serialized json dict. It can be retrieved/edited/set as follows:

import json
stage = pxr.Usd.Stage.Open("/some/stage.usd")
context_collection = stage.GetPathResolverContext()
pythonResolver_context = context_collection.Get()[0]
# Load context
data = json.loads(pythonResolver_context.GetData())
# Manipulate data
data[PythonResolver.Tokens.mappingPairs]["sourceAdd.usd"] = "targetAdd.usd"
# Set context
# Trigger Refresh (Some DCCs, like Houdini, additionally require node re-cooks.)

When the context is initialized for the first time, it runs the ResolverContext.LoadOrRefreshData method as described below. After that is is just a serialized .json dict with at minimum the PythonResolver.Tokens.mappingPairsand PythonResolver.Tokens.searchPaths tokens being set.

Additionally the PythonResolver.Tokens.mappingRegexExpression/PythonResolver.Tokens.mappingRegexFormat keys can be set to support regex substitution before doing the mapping pair lookup.

PythonExpose.py Overview

The rest of the Python API is actually the fully exposed resolver.

You can find the fully implemented version that gets shipped with the compiled code here: PythonExpose.py. This file has feature parity to the File Resolver. It is also quite close to the native default file resolver that ships with Usd.


You can live edit it after the compilation here: ${REPO_ROOT}/dist/pythonResolver/lib/python/PythonExpose.py. Since the code just looks for the PythonExpose.py file anywhere in the sys.path you can also move or re-create the file anywhere in the path to override the behaviour. The module name can be controlled by the CMakeLists.txt file in the repo root by setting AR_PYTHONRESOLVER_USD_PYTHON_EXPOSE_MODULE_NAME to a different name.

Below we show the Python exposed methods, note that we use static methods, as we just call into the module and don't create the actual object. (This module could just as easily been made up of pure functions, we just create the classes here to make it match the C++ API.)

The method signatures match the C++ signatures, except how the context is injected, as this is necessary due to how the Python exposing works.

To enable a similar logging as the TF_DEBUG env var does, you can uncomment the following in the log_function_args function.

def log_function_args(func):
    # To enable logging on all methods, re-enable this.
    # LOG.info(f"{func.__module__}.{func.__qualname__} ({func_args_str})")


class Resolver:
    def _CreateIdentifier(assetPath, anchorAssetPath, serializedContext, serializedFallbackContext):
        """Returns an identifier for the asset specified by assetPath.
        If anchorAssetPath is not empty, it is the resolved asset path
        that assetPath should be anchored to if it is a relative path.
            assetPath (str): An unresolved asset path.
            anchorAssetPath (Ar.ResolvedPath): An resolved anchor path.
            serializedContext (str): The serialized context.
            serializedFallbackContext (str): The serialized fallback context.
            str: The identifier.
        ... code ...
    def _CreateIdentifierForNewAsset(assetPath, anchorAssetPath):
        """Return an identifier for a new asset at the given assetPath.
        This is similar to _CreateIdentifier but is used to create identifiers
        for assets that may not exist yet and are being created.
            assetPath (str): An unresolved asset path.
            anchorAssetPath (Ar.ResolvedPath): An resolved anchor path.
            str: The identifier.
        ... code ...
    def _Resolve(assetPath, serializedContext, serializedFallbackContext):
        """Return the resolved path for the given assetPath or an empty
        ArResolvedPath if no asset exists at that path.
            assetPath (str): An unresolved asset path.
            Ar.ResolvedPath: The resolved path.
        ... code ...
    def _ResolveForNewAsset(assetPath):
        """Return the resolved path for the given assetPath that may be
        used to create a new asset or an empty ArResolvedPath if such a
        path cannot be computed.
            assetPath (str): An unresolved asset path.
            Ar.ResolvedPath: The resolved path.
        ... code ...
    def _IsContextDependentPath(assetPath):
        """Returns true if assetPath is a context-dependent path, false otherwise.
            assetPath (str): An unresolved asset path.
            bool: The context-dependent state.
        ... code ...
    def _GetModificationTimestamp(assetPath, resolvedPath):
        """Return an ArTimestamp representing the last time the asset at assetPath was modified.
            assetPath (str): An unresolved asset path.
            resolvePath (Ar.ResolvedPath): A resolved path.
            Ar.Timestamp: The timestamp.
        ... code ...

Resolver Context

class ResolverContext:
    def LoadOrRefreshData(mappingFilePath, searchPathsEnv, mappingRegexExpressionEnv, mappingRegexFormatEnv):
        """Load or refresh the mapping pairs from file and the search paths from the
        configured environment variables.
            mappingFilePath(str): The mapping .usd file path
            searchPathsEnv(str): The search paths environment variable
            mappingRegexExpressionEnv(str): The mapping regex expression environment variable
            mappingRegexFormatEnv(str): The mapping regex format environment variable
            str: A serialized json dict that can be used as a context.
        ... code ...