Siggraph Presentation

This guide will be officially introduced at Siggraph 2023 - Houdini Hive on Wednesday, 9. of August 2023 at 11:00 AM PST.

Performance Profiling

For low level profiling Usd ships with the trace profiling module.

This is also what a few DCCs (like Houdini) expose to profile Usd writing/rendering.

TL;DR - Profiling In-A-Nutshell

  • The trace module offers easy to attach Python decorators (@Trace.TraceMethod/TraceFunction) that you can wrap your functions with to expose them to the profiler.
  • You can dump the profiling result to .txt or the GoogleChrome tracing format you can open under chrome://tracing. Even if you don't attach custom traces, you'll get extensive profiling stats of the underlying Usd API execution.

What should I use it for?


If you want to benchmark you Usd stage operations, the profiling module offers a fast and easy way to visualize performance.



The trace module is made up of two parts:

  • TraceCollector: A singleton thread-safe recorder of (globale) events.
  • TraceReporter: Turn event data to meaning full views.

Via the C++ API, you can customize the behavior further, for Python 'only' the global collector is exposed.

Marking what to trace

First you mark what to trace. You can also mark nothing, you'll still have access to all the default profiling:

import os
from pxr import Trace, Usd
# Code with trace attached
class Bar():
    def foo(self):

def foo(stage):
    with Trace.TraceScope("InnerScope"):
        bar = Bar()
        for prim in stage.Traverse():

Trace collector & reporter

Then you enable the collector during the runtime of what you want to trace and write the result to the disk.

import os
from pxr import Trace, Usd
# The Trace.Collector() and Trace.Reporter.globalReporter return a singletons
# The default traces all go to TraceCategory::Default, this is not configurable via python
global_reporter = Trace.Reporter.globalReporter
collector = Trace.Collector()
# Start recording events.
collector.enabled = True
# Enable the Usd Python API tracing (No the manually attached tracers)
collector.pythonTracingEnabled = False
# Run code
stage = Usd.Stage.CreateInMemory()
prim_path = Sdf.Path("/bicycle")
prim = stage.DefinePrim(prim_path, "Xform")
# Stop recording events.
collector.enabled = False
# Print the ASCII report
trace_dir_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.expanduser("~/Desktop/UsdTracing"))
global_reporter.Report(os.path.join(trace_dir_path, "report.trace"))

Here is an example (from the Usd docs) of a report to a .txt file. If you have ever rendered with Houdini this will be similar to when you increase the log levels.

Tree view  ==============
   inclusive    exclusive        
  358.500 ms                    1 samples    Main Thread
    0.701 ms     0.701 ms       8 samples    | SdfPath::_InitWithString
    0.003 ms     0.003 ms       2 samples    | {anonymous}::VtDictionaryToPython::convert
  275.580 ms   275.580 ms       3 samples    | PlugPlugin::_Load
    0.014 ms     0.014 ms       3 samples    | UcGetCurrentUnit
    1.470 ms     0.002 ms       1 samples    | UcIsKnownUnit
    1.467 ms     0.026 ms       1 samples    |   Uc::_InitUnitData [initialization]
    1.442 ms     1.442 ms       1 samples    |   | Uc_Engine::GetValue
    0.750 ms     0.000 ms       1 samples    | UcGetValue
    0.750 ms     0.750 ms       1 samples    |   Uc_Engine::GetValue
    9.141 ms     0.053 ms       1 samples    | PrCreatePathResolverForUnit
    0.002 ms     0.002 ms       6 samples    |   UcIsKnownUnit

Here is an example of a report to a Google Chrome trace .json file opened at chrome://tracing in Google Chrome with a custom python trace marked scope.

Measuring time deltas

Usd ships with a simpel stop watch class that offers high precision time deltas.

from pxr import Tf
sw = Tf.Stopwatch()
print(sw.milliseconds, sw.sampleCount)
# Add sampleCount + accumulated time from other stop watch
other_sw = Tf.StopWatch()
print(sw.milliseconds, sw.sampleCount)

Stage Stats

You can also gather stage stats, this is mainly used to expose statistics for UIs.

from pxr import UsdUtils
# Returns (On stage with a single cube):
 'assetCount': 0, 
 'instancedModelCount': 0,
 'modelCount': 0,
 'primary': {'primCounts': {'activePrimCount': 2,
                            'inactivePrimCount': 0,
                            'instanceCount': 0, 
                            'pureOverCount': 0,
                            'totalPrimCount': 2},
 'primCountsByType': {'Cube': 1}}, 
 'prototypeCount': 0,
 'totalInstanceCount': 0,
 'totalPrimCount': 2,
 'usedLayerCount': 10