Siggraph Presentation

This guide will be officially introduced at Siggraph 2023 - Houdini Hive on Wednesday, 9. of August 2023 at 11:00 AM PST.

Collection Membership

Let's have a look at how we can query if a prim path is in a collection. For more info about how collections work, check out our Collections section.

Creating & querying collections

We interact with collectins via the Usd.CollectionAPI class API Docs. The collection api is a multi-apply API schema, so we can add multiple collections to any prim. We can them access them via the collection API. The UsdUtils module also offers some useful functions to recompute collections so that they don't consume to much disk storage.

Here are the UsdUtils.ComputeCollectionIncludesAndExcludes API docs.

# Usd.CollectionAPI.Apply(prim, collection_name)
# collection_api = Usd.CollectionAPI(prim, collection_nam)
# collection_query = collection_api.ComputeMembershipQuery()
### High Level ###
from pxr import Sdf, Usd, UsdUtils
stage = Usd.Stage.CreateInMemory()
bicycle_prim = stage.DefinePrim(Sdf.Path("/set/yard/biycle"), "Cube")
car_prim = stage.DefinePrim(Sdf.Path("/set/garage/car"), "Sphere")
tractor_prim = stage.DefinePrim(Sdf.Path("/set/garage/tractor"), "Cylinder")
helicopter_prim = stage.DefinePrim(Sdf.Path("/set/garage/helicopter"), "Cube")
boat_prim = stage.DefinePrim(Sdf.Path("/set/garage/boat"), "Cube")
set_prim = bicycle_prim.GetParent().GetParent()
# Create collection
collection_name = "vehicles"
collection_api = Usd.CollectionAPI.Apply(set_prim, collection_name)
print(Usd.CollectionAPI.GetAllCollections(set_prim)) # Returns: [Usd.CollectionAPI(Usd.Prim(</set>), 'vehicles')]
print(Usd.CollectionAPI.GetCollection(set_prim, "vehicles")) # Returns: Usd.CollectionAPI(Usd.Prim(</set>), 'vehicles')
collection_query = collection_api.ComputeMembershipQuery()
print(collection_api.ComputeIncludedPaths(collection_query, stage))
# Returns: [Sdf.Path('/set'), Sdf.Path('/set/garage'), Sdf.Path('/set/garage/car'), Sdf.Path('/set/yard')]
# Set it to explicit only
collection_query = collection_api.ComputeMembershipQuery()
print(collection_api.ComputeIncludedPaths(collection_query, stage))
# Returns: [Sdf.Path('/set')]

# To help speed up collection creation, USD also ships with util functions:
# UsdUtils.AuthorCollection(<collectionName>, prim, [<includePathList>], [<excludePathList>])
collection_api = UsdUtils.AuthorCollection("two_wheels", set_prim, [set_prim.GetPath()], [car_prim.GetPath()])
collection_query = collection_api.ComputeMembershipQuery()
print(collection_api.ComputeIncludedPaths(collection_query, stage))
# Returns:
# [Sdf.Path('/set'), Sdf.Path('/set/garage'), Sdf.Path('/set/yard'), Sdf.Path('/set/yard/biycle')]
# UsdUtils.ComputeCollectionIncludesAndExcludes() gives us the possibility to author 
# collections more sparse, that the include to exclude ratio is kept at an optimal size.
# The Python signature differs from the C++ signature:
include_paths, exclude_paths = UsdUtils.ComputeCollectionIncludesAndExcludes(
    minInclusionRatio = 0.75,
    maxNumExcludesBelowInclude = 5,
	minIncludeExcludeCollectionSize = 3,
    pathsToIgnore = [] # This ignores paths from computation (this is not the exclude list)
target_paths = [tractor_prim.GetPath(), car_prim.GetPath(), helicopter_prim.GetPrimPath()]
include_paths, exclude_paths = UsdUtils.ComputeCollectionIncludesAndExcludes(target_paths,stage, minInclusionRatio=.9)
print(include_paths, exclude_paths)
# Returns:
# [Sdf.Path('/set/garage/car'), Sdf.Path('/set/garage/tractor'), Sdf.Path('/set/garage/helicopter')] []
include_paths, exclude_paths = UsdUtils.ComputeCollectionIncludesAndExcludes(target_paths,stage, minInclusionRatio=.1)
print(include_paths, exclude_paths)
# Returns: [Sdf.Path('/set/garage')] [Sdf.Path('/set/garage/boat')]
# Create a collection from the result
collection_api = UsdUtils.AuthorCollection("optimized", set_prim, include_paths, exclude_paths)

Inverting a collection

When we want to isolate a certain part of the hierarchy (for example to pick what to render), a typical thing to do, is to give users a "render" collection which then gets applied by setting all prims not included to be inactive. Here is an example of how to iterate a stage by pruning (skipping the child traversal) and deactivating anything that is not in the specific collection.

This is very fast and "sparse" as we don't edit leaf prims, instead we find the highest parent and deactivate it, if no children are part of the target collection.

from pxr import Sdf, Usd, UsdUtils
stage = Usd.Stage.CreateInMemory()
# Create hierarchy
prim_paths = [
for prim_path in prim_paths:
    prim = stage.DefinePrim(prim_path, "Cube")
print("<< hierarchy >>")
for prim in stage.Traverse():
    parent_prim = prim.GetParent()
    while True:
        if parent_prim.IsPseudoRoot():
        parent_prim = parent_prim.GetParent()
# Returns:
<< hierarchy >>
# Collections
collection_prim = stage.DefinePrim("/collections")
storage_include_prim_paths = ["/set/garage/key_box", "/set/yard/shed"]
storage_exclude_prim_paths = ["/set/yard/shed/flower_pot"]
collection_api = UsdUtils.AuthorCollection("storage", collection_prim, storage_include_prim_paths, storage_exclude_prim_paths)
collection_query = collection_api.ComputeMembershipQuery()
included_paths = collection_api.ComputeIncludedPaths(collection_query, stage)
# print(included_paths)
# Prune inverse:
print("<< hierarchy pruned >>")
iterator = iter(Usd.PrimRange(stage.GetPseudoRoot()))
for prim in iterator:
    if prim.IsPseudoRoot():
    if prim.GetPath() not in included_paths and not len(prim.GetAllChildrenNames()):
# Returns:
<< hierarchy pruned >>